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The Shining Beautiful Series Podcast

Sep 29, 2019

Wow! Almost two hours of storytelling and wisdom for leaders Bob, Niemiec, Cary Griffin and Beth Keaton!  These experts in customized and supported employment were some of the early pioneers in getting people with disabilities working in the community.


Whether you are a parent, a person experiencing a disAbility or a...

Sep 17, 2019

Mikelle and Katherine welcome Salena Salinas to the Shining Beautiful team!  Talking with Salena touches your artist's heart and gives yet another reason to believe in the younger generation. Salena is one of our youngest team members.  You will enjoy the maturity and wisdom these two ladies share in their almost...

Sep 10, 2019

Why do we like this app?  Because it is more like a real conversation and it gives Mikelle time to compile her message with a video expressing her nonverbal communication. And, it is fun!!

Here is a link to Mikelle using Marco Polo with Salena, one of her team members who is going into one of Mikelle's favorite stores. ...