Aug 29, 2019
We wish our best people would stay forever. Simply put. They don't. We have been down this road before, but this time we are losing a 7-year veteran of Mikelle's support team--Taylor Mason. You have met her before. She is wonderful and here is one reason why.
The Mikelle Bootcamp for new team members. Listen and...
Aug 23, 2019
Since our last posting on EVV, folks from the State of Colorado reached out to us to learn more about our frustration and the Center for Medicaid Services changed the requirement for live-in caregivers letting states decide what direction they want to do on this issue.
Laurie Phipps and Katherine Carol recently met with...
Aug 10, 2019
We hesitated in recording this episode. After all, we have had a wonderful relationship with Colorado's state leaders. Together, we have attempted to work out the bugs with Colorado's efforts to comply with the Federal Electronic Visit Verification Program rollout on January 1, 2020. The effort to reduce fraud in...
Aug 2, 2019
We rarely talk about grief in our society. It seems an even more distant discussion if you have a disability and lose your parents. This is the first of episodes to talk about grief in an intimate and loving way. It needs air to breathe, it needs time to transform and it needs our attention.
Our listeners may remember...